Protected: NYSUT Zoo Night
Protected: A Letter from Jim Buck 7/22/24
Protected: Discount Tickets for Darien Lake and Seabreeze
Protected: TRS/ERS Information
Protected: Historic social media safety bills signed into law
2022 Spring General Meeting Information
Hello all –
Please review the attached documents below for information about our 2022 Spring Meeting! This will take place on April 20th, 2022 at 4pm at the Conference Center in Newark. If you cannot attend in person, please note there is a Zoom link on the flier.
Agenda Items:
Review Fall 2021 General Meeting minutes
Meet candidates for VP at Large, VP of CTE, & Treasurer positions on the Executive Council.
We hope to see you there! 🙂
CDC Guidelines (2/25/2022)
NYSUT COVID-19 Update (as of 2/10/2022)
TO: NYSUT Board of Directors, NYSUT Local Presidents FROM: NYSUT Officers DATE: February 10, 2022 SUBJECT: NYSUT Alert – February 10, 2022 – Update from NYSUT Masks & Schools: Q & A When does the mask mandate for schools expire? The State mask mandates for both schools and the general public were adopted pursuant to temporary regulation. The Commissioner of Health set an expiration date of February 10, 2022, for the public mask mandate. There was no such date expressed by the Commissioner for the school mandate, but because a temporary regulation only has a life of 90 days, it is set to expire by operation of law on February 21. Another regulation would need to be adopted to extend it. If there is no State mandate, can schools mandate masks for students and visitors? If there is no State mandate, can schools mandate masks for employees? Can anyone other than the State adopt a mask mandate applicable to schools?
Can a mask mandate be negotiated?
Thank you. |
COVID-19 Testing (NYSUT Update)
Hello all,
In the attachment provided, you will find the updated COVID-19 testing information.
new updates from NYSUT pertaining Covid testing
Thank you!