NYSUT Rochester Regional Office is offering NYSTRS seminar

Dear Local Leader,


We are pleased to offer two free sessions about the NYS Teachers Retirement System (NYSTRS) for your members. Teachers, related titles and teaching assistants are members of the TRS. These sessions are not available to non-members. Both sessions are presented in-person by Beth Chetney, NYSUT Endorsed Teacher Member of the NYSTRS Board of Trustees. The same material will be covered in both sessions.

Topics covered include: security, planning, filing for retirement, calculating your benefit, reading your statement and understanding the options.

The sessions are:

Thursday, November 16th from 4:30-6:30pm

  • Register HERE for this in-person session.
  • Complete this SURVEY in advance of attending this session.

Tuesday, November 28th from 4:30-6:30pm

  • Register HERE for this in-person session.
  • Complete this SURVEY in advance of attending this session.

Both sessions will be held at the Rochester Regional NYSUT Office (30 N. Union St., Rochester, NY 14607) in the first floor conference center. These sessions are capped at 85 people and will fill up quickly. Due to space limitations, we are not able to accommodate requests for spouses to attend. Please consider your registration your commitment to attend. If your plans change and you can no longer attend, please cancel your reservation so someone else can attend. Pizza and soda will be served. There is free parking in the lots around the building.



Carrie M. Andrews
Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers
30 N. Union St. Suite 302
Rochester, NY 14607

WFLBEA / NYSUT membership survey

To all members of the WFLBEA you all should be receiving an email from myself through NYSUT.  It is a survey that we are looking to have ALL members fill out the survey by November 10th. The results will be compiled and addressed by the executive council to help our local be a better local, because I feel that we can do a better job for our members, if you tell us.

Thank you

Jim Buck

WFLBEA Union president

NYSUT Rochester Regional Office summer family activities





  • UNION NIGHT AT INNOVATIVE FIELD – Saturday, July 8 – discounted tickets for union members and their families for the Red Wings vs. Buffalo Bisons game.
  • PRIDE PARADE – Saturday, July 15 at noon – line up and march in the parade with Pride at Work.
  • ROCHESTER LABOR COUNCIL COPE PICNIC – Thursday, July 13 at 5pm – at the Roundhouse in Genesee Valley Park. Tickets are $15.
  • Seabreeze Tickets – visit www.seabreeze.com and use promocode NYSUT for discounted tickets.  Promocode is available for use after June 20th until Labor Day.


Additionally, NYSUT’s Member Organizing Institute (MOI) will be back this summer. NYSUT members will be going door-to-door to talk with other members about our Fix Tier 6 campaign. MOI walkers will only be visiting members who are in Tier 6. To learn more about how you can help Fix Tier 6 check out this website and sign up for our Fix Tier 6 Action Team: Home – FixTier6.org


Then, SAVE THE DATE, our NYSUT Members Night at the Zoo is back! We will again be inviting you and your families to join us for a night at the Seneca Park Zoo on Friday, September 22nd. Please share this with your members to save the date. Registration and ticket information will be available in the end of August. This event is a great opportunity to invite your new members to come together with other members from across the region.


Lastly, we will be adding additional events and meetings over the summer. Please keep checking your email to stay in touch. If you will be out of town and want someone else from your local to receive our emails please let me know.


Thanks and have a good end to your school year.



Carrie M. Andrews
Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers
30 N. Union St. Suite 302
Rochester, NY 14607
Phone (585) 454-5550

NYSUT’s Education & Learning Trust (ELT) classes

Dear Local Leader,


We are pleased to offer free professional development sessions during the summer from NYSUT’s Education & Learning Trust (ELT). There are sessions available at no cost for teachers and SRPs who are NYSUT members. They are all online.


To register and see the list of classes go to this website: NYSUT LEARNING CENTER 


This time, we are offering two types of online sessions:


  • 5-hour online seminars that you take at your own pace over a period of 30-days; and
  • 2–3-hour online seminars offered on designated dates


All sessions earn CTLE credit. Some may be designated for new members but if you are interested in any of them feel free to sign up for it regardless of how long you’ve been working in the profession.


Please note that all of these sessions are virtual. Class size is limited so first come, first served.


Please let me know if you have any questions.



Carrie M. Andrews
Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers
30 N. Union St. Suite 302
Rochester, NY 14607
Phone (585) 454-5550